Project Manager (PM)
XM30 Combat Vehicle
XM30 Combat Vehicle

PM XM30 Combat Vehicle (XM30) addresses the Cross Domain Maneuver Gap when facing the future operating environment (FOE) pacing threat by rapidly developing, synchronizing, overseeing, and testing all material development activities in order to deliver advanced capabilities to the operating force.
Our Mission
To develop, deliver and sustain a transformational ground combat vehicle in a transformational way.
Our Vision
PM XM30 is a multi-functional team of professionals leveraging their traditional experience while critically thinking through the transition to a Digital Acquisition Program and the unprecedented level of understanding detailed designs & prototyping. PM XM30 workforce is trained for this transition in relevant aspects of the Digital Trinity: MOSA, Digital Engineering, and DevSecOps and provide the necessary lessons learned to enable the larger PEO GCS and Army Enterprise transition.
PM XM30 Biography
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