Product Lead (PdL) Ground Combat Product Integration
PdL GCPI manages the synchronization of technologies aligned with Programs of Record (PoR) and mature Science and Technology (S&T) efforts to incorporate multiple products on ground combat platforms in support of Army modernization programs to achieve integrated system-of-systems capabilities for the Warfighter. This includes the management of common products across the PEO GCS portfolio, and development and coordination of reference architectures and standards.
Synchronize and coordinate the Mounted-Integrated Tactical Network (M-ITN) into PEO GCS platforms.
- Develop and coordinate reference architectures for platform modernization.
- Coordinate the acquisition of common components required by PEO GCS platforms to leverage economics of scale.
- Standardized A-Kit/Vehicle Envelope (SAVE)
Product Lead (PdL) Ground Combat Enabling Technologies & Transitions
- Execute requested/directed Technology Transition and Systems Commonality projects in support of the PMs
- Management of multiple funding sources across the PEO GCS portfolio
- Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E)
- 6.4 funding line that PEO GCS manages
- Technology Maturation Initiatives (TMI)
- Entrance maturity of TRL 6; exit maturity TRL 7
- U.S. Army Manufacturing Technology Program (ManTech)
- Matures established technology from a minimum of MRL 4 to MRL 7
- Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
- Opportunities are ad hoc, as needs emerge, submissions accepted monthly
- OSD Rapid Defense Experimentation Reserve (RDER)
- Joint Service participation, tech mature to TRL 7
Product Manager (PdM) Vehicle Protection Systems
Program of Record Overview
- Provide active, passive, and reactive survivability capabilities onto ground combat vehicles
- Vehicle Base Kit (VBK) with Laser Warning Receiver (LWR)
- Platform integrated system that provides early warning for enemy threats based on laser detection sensors.
- Reactive Armor Tiles (RAT)
- Provides both Explosive Reactive and Passive Armor.
- Signature Management Paint (SIGMAN)
- Provides reduced detectability in the electro-magnetic spectrum to platforms.