Project Lead (PL)
Capability Transition & Product Integration |
Our Mission
Project Lead Capability Transition & Product Integration Office (PL CTPI) provides strategic planning and PEO GCS platform synchronization by informing, maturing, and integrating Army-wide product technologies and Science and Technology (S&T) investments to address technology needs, transition advanced technology, and deliver new capability across the GCS portfolio. |
Our Vision
An integrated team of teams bridging capability gaps and transitioning advanced technologies from Programs of Records and S&T communities onto PEO GCS platforms. |
- PL CTPI provides PEO GCS PMs with a single resource, focused on vertical and horizontal technology integration addressing PM prioritized capability gaps.
- S&T Management of multiple funding sources across PEO GCS portfolio
- Provide holistic integration processes for transition of technology & capabilities onto GCS platforms.
- Open Architecture Development GCS Common Infrastructure Architecture (GCIA)
- Industry can review the latest artifacts and participate in the future of GCIA through the National Advanced Mobility Consortium (NAMC) MOSA Community of Interest (COI):
- GCIA Mailbox: